get to know me

Stacy Ideus Photography

Stacy Ideus Photography

“Every time I turned around, there you were rearranging all the furniture.” Grandma Ilene always said I would be an “interior decorator”. Well, flash forward a few years (okay, fine…more than a few) Hi! I’m Brandon Kimes, founder of Nodding Goat Home: a unique company focused on attainable interior design and a love for vintage and antique objects. My love and appreciation for design started at a young age. This led me to, albeit not directly, my degree in interior design. I have always been fascinated with creating custom spaces that are beautiful and comfortable, but also very timeless.

Along with that love for design I have a passion for antiques and vintage finds. Most weekends I can be found scouring antique stores, estate sales and flea markets for fun, new finds for clients (and yes, for me too!). I feel it is important to mix antiques and vintage objects into a space to help give it some history. Doing so ensures your space doesn’t look too plain or cookie cutter. It becomes a space with a story that you love and enjoy. I’m looking forward to working with you and creating a bespoke space that you will absolutely love!